Thursday, January 13, 2005

Whats up Bangalore?


This is Sabarish from the Bangalore .NET Student User Group. Like CnugStudent - even we are in the midst of a 'Student Champ Recruitment Drive' although it hasnt really been very succesful (so far) here because our final exams are in progress. But we should see the drive getting some results when colleges reopen in February.

Similarly it is real bad timing for us with regard to the Imagine Cup 2005 - thanks to our exams we aren't able to concentrate on IC 2005 and not many students are taking active part in it here in Karnataka - atleast until February - but by then it might be too late for some invitationals.

Last semester (from August to December '04) BDotNETStudent conducted a lot of activities including our big event - The Date with .NET v2.0! We have lots of exciting events planned for next semester (starting February) - and I will post about them soon. Like Sriram is planning a trip to Coimbatore - we are planning a trip to Mangalore/Manipal to deliver sessions at some of the top colleges in Karnataka (NITK, Surathkal; MIT, Manipal, etc..) All of us are very excited about this!

Oh and before I forget - our first anniversary is coming up on January 31st!! We are planning on having a blast!! (most probably along with our parent UG - BDotNET - who also have their anniversary around the same time)

This blog is a great forum for all of us UG leaders to see what the others are doing and exchange ideas and ultimately ensure that the community at large benefits. I think this blog has a very apt title, because Indian Microsoft UGs sure do Rock!!

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