Thursday, January 06, 2005

DNUGHs is now one year old

DNUGHS celebrations happened today at the Chip Auditorium from 2:30 to 4:30.A detailed agenda is also included.

Chief Guest: Mr.Vineeth Madhusudan, Groups Manager-SIT.
Guest of Honor: Mr.Abhishek Mathur, Development Manager-SIT.
Other Guests: Mr.Janakiram, Academic Evangelist.
Mr. Mark D’Souza, Developer Lead.
Mr.Vipin.S, Test lead.


2:30-2:45 DNUGHS: Past Present & Future (Introductions Goals and achievements)
2:45-3:00 Chief Guest talks and Cake Cutting Ceremony.
3:00-4:00 Tech Talk -Express Editions(Mr.Janakiram).
4:00-4:30 “Raffle”: A contest of Talents (a goodies giveaway).
4:30-5:30 Xbox Community Launch.

I would like to thank Mr.Abhishek kant,Mr.Janakiram,Mr.Vineeth,Mr.Abhishek M for the support and for making this event a success.

But above all Thank you Microsoft.

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